Burscough Methodist Church
Orrell Lane, Burscough L40 0SG (burscoughmethodistchurch.org.uk)
Thank you to everyone who came to join our Harvest celebration service this morning and for all your donations of food and money they are gratefully accepted by the Foodbank.
This beautiful collage was a collective effort – The Sit & Knit group (who meet in church on a Wednesday morning) made the pompom background then the Junior Church and Cubs made decorations. The collage can be changed with each season. It can be viewed on the wall in church.
Our talented knitters have knitted this fruit and veg to help decorate the church. They can be re-used every year. The ultimate in recycling!

Reverend Michael C. Tindsley
Sundays: 10am Family Service
1st Wednesday of the month: 7pm Cafe Church
Regular Events
Star Café – Monday & Wednesday 8.30am – 11am* *9.30-11am in school holidays.
Sit and Knit Group – Wednesdays 8.30am – 11am (at STAR café) Learn with others, spare needles and wool available.
Also games e.g. cards and draughts if you don’t fancy knitting. Book swap available. Toast and brews available.
Teen Zone – 3rd Sunday of the Month 10.00-10.45 in the Mezzanine. All teens welcome…..Discussions, snack, prayer.
Café Church Wednesday – 1st Wednesday in the Month 7.00pm. An evening of worship, bible teaching, prayer and refreshments
Bible Discussion Group – 10.30am Online or In Church.
Brownies; Guides; Cubs; Scouts; Rainbows; Cluster; Buggy Club; Singing practice; Youth Fellowship See Website