Welcome to Asland Pilgrim Ways, a selection of pilgrim routes connecting churches in our local area.

 Asland is the old name for the River Douglas, and these routes are within the geographical area of Asland.

The word ‘pilgrim’ is used because these are not simply outdoor routes, a way to get fresh air or keep fit, although that may be part of the experience. To go on a pilgrimage is to be open to be transformed by the experience, and to take this transformation back into our everyday lives.

ways’ reflects the different ways we might make this journey. Some routes are accessible by mobility scooter, wheelchair or bus; some routes are only accessible on foot.  There are multiple ways within the pilgrim network. It is not one linear route. There are several paths we might take.

Route details have been compiled by members of local churches, and connect churches together.

On this webpage you will find:

  • information about guided pilgrimages.
  • route leaflets.
  • bus information.
  • pilgrim meditations.
  • church contacts.

We hope that you enjoy the Asland Pilgrim Ways, and that as you journey, and pause, you will find a sense of peace.


Details about future events will be displayed on our Facebook page ‘Asland Pilgrim Ways’.  Please ‘like’ and ‘follow’ the page to be kept up to date about guided pilgrimages.

Pilgrim Route Leaflets

The route leaflets have now been uploaded.  These are displayed below and can be downloaded so that they can be printed.  Click the “Download” link below each leaflet to download.

Tarleton St Helen's Well Meditation Route


Mere Brow, Holmes, Holmeswood Pilgrimage October 2023


Holmes to Tarleton Pilgrimage October 2023








Hesketh Lane to Hesketh Bank Pilgrimage


Not all the churches are routinely open during the week, so please do check websites and church noticeboards for up to date information.

Some routes are accessible for those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Sensory information has not been provided as this will vary significantly from day to day. Accessibility information is provided as a guide only, recognising that this will be different for each of us.

All information may change over time, and you are advised to check details prior to your journey.

Bus Information

Bus information is provided here for those wishing to make their pilgrimage by bus for all or part of the journey.


The information here is provided as a guide only. You are advised to check bus times prior to your journey

https://www.stagecoachbus.com/timetables  or phone 0345 241 8000.

Pilgrim Meditations

The idea of pilgrimage is one that has become increasing popular in recent times.

It can be said that our whole life is a journey, and along the way as we journey together, there are things we can learn from each other. There are times that this journey is a joy, and times that it is a challenge.

A pilgrimage is a time to journey on our own or in a group, and to spend time apart, to be open to something bigger than ourselves, whether that be the beauty of the natural world or a sense of God’s presence.

As you journey, you might simply enjoy the experience, and that is enough.

However, if you would like a focus for your pilgrimage, here are a few ideas to get you started.

General meditation

Before your journey, pause for a moment.

What do you hope for from this journey?

Be open to what the pilgrimage has to offer.

  • Take time to pause as you journey. What can you see, taste, hear, feel, smell?
  • Spend time looking at the detail of something that you see.
  • What does this mean to you?
  • As you journey through built up areas, what can you see?
  • Who is in this community?

After your journey, reflect on what this time has meant for you, and how you will take this forwards.

Christian meditation

Before your journey, pause in the sacred space you are starting from.

Remember that God is with you in this place, and is with you as you journey.


As well as the general meditation ideas above, you may want to consider these themes.

  • Alongside – how can we be alongside each other as we journey?
  • Spiritual journey – how would you describe your spiritual journey?
  • Physical journey as we age – how does that affect your faith?
  • Seeing God in creation
  • Valuing creation for its own sake – how does that affect how you care for creation?
  • Parables – what parables are you reminded of as you journey?
  • Bible – what Bible passages come to mind as you journey?
  • Communities and built up places – where is God in these places?
  • Neighbours – who is your neighbour?
  • Beginnings and endings – are you at the beginning or the end of anything right now – where is God in that?
  • Together and alone – know that is God with you when you are with others and when you are alone.
  • We are all made in God’s image – however we are making our journey.

As you pause and spend time in the sacred places at the end of your journey, in the silence, think of what you have experienced on this pilgrimage. Think about the week ahead, and know that God is with you, and that God loves you.

Church Contacts

All Saints Church, Hesketh Bank

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllSaintsChurchHwB/?locale=en_GB

Becconsall Old Church of All Saints


Holmes, Holmeswood, Mere Brow and Tarleton Methodist Churches

Revd Michael C. Tindsley

Tel: 01704 620053

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://lancashirewest.org.uk

Mere Brow Methodist Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MereBrowChurch/?locale=en_GB

Hesketh Bank Christian Centre

Website: https://www.hbcconline.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069992600236

Hesketh Bank Methodist Church

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heskethbankmethodistchurch/

Contact via Facebook messenger

Hesketh Lane Church

Website: https://hlmc.org.uk

Holy Trinity Tarleton and Rufford St Mary the Virgin

Fr Mark Soady

Tel: 01772 814431

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://rsmtht.church

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruffordstmarysandtarletonholytrinitychurch/?locale=en_GB

Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church

Fr. Gerald Anders

Tel: 01772 812242

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://ourladystarleton.co.uk

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ourladystarleton/?locale=en_GB

St Mary’s Church, Tarleton (Old Church)
